The ideal employee – remote logistics

Do travelers present the best model for supporting a modern workforce?

My Position

Enabling employees, that are remote (traveler and settler), hybrid, and in-office, is our new standard. They are internal employees and are customers as well. Travelers accelerate our best growth in this space by establishing Core Tenets:
Security, productivity, reliability, modularity and redundancy.


Elevate the technical posture of all employees, by way of presenting the best practices of travelers. These are subject to change, and are not legal advice.


Employee personal residence (mail and street address) is in a locale that is approved by the employer (ex: State and Country). Employee CPA and Law firms can be established, to keep personal paperwork tidy - they are experts in supporting travelers. These firms are employee advocates and that relationship also benefits employers. They are encouraged but are not subject to disclosure to the employer.


Maintaining 2 cellphone data plans and may have access to other secured Wi-Fi, preferring 1) Best cell plan then 2) Second cell plan and then 3) Wi-Fi.

  • Smartphones - 2 of them, allowing for any best SIM/internet-access plan to be used. Functionality is independent of the internet provider. Custom DNS is used, such as Cloudflare. The work phone number is VoIP and is app login-dependent, reducing SIM-swap/theft concerns. This will also allow for re-establishing work 2FA, as seamlessly and as quickly as possible. SMS, Email-to-SMS, and Voice calls are supported over any internet connection. This number reaches both phones, simultaneously.
  • Laptops - 2 of them. The second device can quickly be Windows 10/11 OS-reset for dedicated work use.
  • External monitor - Over weeks of testing, one is not necessary (though preferred), and so a backup, external monitor has not been required.
  • Power – A 20,000 mAh power bank, in addition to each device having at least 10 hours of life.
  • Accessories – These are numerous. They include personal comfort and health improvements, though have not been required.
  • Physical Asset Security, Monitoring and Alerting – Work laptop is powered down, if away for more than a short break, to utilize full disk encryption. When reasonable, the smartphone app Haven: Keep Watch is used.

Solutions for multiple recovery scenarios of physical and digital assets are implemented.


This is a model for heightening the technical posture of employees.